3 Situations Where We Laugh, 3 Situations Where We Don’t Laugh

However, just because something is good for you doesn’t mean that you should do it all the time. While it might be good for us to laugh, sometimes there are situations where this just isn’t appropriate. What are they? How does somebody know when they should laugh or not laugh? While we can’t cover every situation in this blog, here are “3 Situations Where We Laugh, 3 Situations Where We Don’t Laugh”.
At recess, a high or middle school field, or just being out in the real world, somebody is bound to get hurt. A ball might hit someone. A person running might trip and take a face-plant. During football practice, somebody might take a really hard sack. These are situations where we don’t laugh. Again, everyone is human and everyone gets hurt. People often play games and sports because they’re fun. And sometimes fun hurts. No matter how perfect or good at a sport you are (or think you are), there’s going to come a point where you will get hurt. You wouldn’t want people laughing at you, so you shouldn’t laugh at them.
Laughter is a great thing. Knowing the right times to laugh and not laugh, will go a long way toward making you someone that is seen as a good friend, and able to read situations.