Autism Treatment | Autism Behavior Services, Inc.

Our Services

Autism Behavior Services, Inc. serves children of all ages. Our services are provided year-round with the exception of major holidays.

Our behavior specialists and behavior intervention team are guided by a curriculum based on the principles of ABA. We provide services that are delivered one to one in your home, community, or school setting and social group services.

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Our autism behavior specialists develop age-appropriate goals that introduce and strengthen adaptive, cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioral skills; while our behavior intervention staff implements those goals day-to-day. Our objective is to increase behavioral deficits and decrease behavioral excesses.

In addition to building the essential learning to learn skills, our behavior staff also promote language development and play skills. We strive to include activities that extend our students’ knowledge and understanding of the world, promoting generalization. Our staff further incorporate other research-based methods and strategies that have been found to be effective when working with children with autism.

We are also committed to parent education. We offer parent training to help you better understand and support your child’s program and development.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a way to understand how behavior works. It looks at how what we do is affected by the environment around us. ABA helps people learn new behaviors and change challenging ones by using techniques like positive reinforcement, which means giving something good when a person does something well, or breaking big tasks into smaller steps to make them easier to learn. It’s often used to help people who are neurodiverse learn new skills, but it can also be used with anyone who wants to change behaviors or learn new ones.
Training involves learning new skills or improving existing ones through instruction, practice, and guidance. Assessments can be seen as checkpoints to see how well someone has learned or progressed. They can be tests, quizzes, or even just checking in to see how much someone understands. Both training and assessments work together to help us learn, grow, and get better at the things we do.

Parent consultation in ABA means that the caregivers who take care of a person work together with the therapists to help them learn new things and manage challenging behaviors. This teamwork between the therapists and parents helps the person learn and grow better in their everyday life.

A Social Skills Group is a fun club where kids or adults get together to practice how to talk, play, and be friends with others. In these groups, people learn how to share, listen, take turns, and understand feelings better (both theirs and those of the people in the group). The group does fun activities and games that help everyone become more comfortable and confident when making friends or being around others. It’s like a team where everyone helps each other learn how to be great friends and get along well.
Program Development & Supervision Services
Weekly visits and support by a qualified behavior specialist or analyst to provide quality oversight of all ABA-based programming.
A functional behavior assessment or FBA involves a behavior specialist gathering information and data on the environment and target behaviors in order to determine why behaviors are or are not happening and develop a behavior intervention plan based on that information.

DTT is a systematic approach to teaching that involves presenting specific stimuli and reinforcing specific responses. This helps us to establish stimulus control and provide many opportunities for practice and repetition of a skill.

NET involves teaching skills using an ABC model of behavior during natural routines and activities. Technicians capture and contrive opportunities to teach specific skills or behaviors.

IEP goals and objectives to be objective, observable, and measurable.
Direct observations of target behaviors involve observing a client for a period of time in several different environments and recording detailed information on what happens before, during, and after the target behavior(s).
The principles of Applied Behavior Analysis can be taught to parents and caretakers.
Monthly observations and meetings, support on all task list topics, and guidance on ensuring proper documentation.

Request An Assessment

We are pleased to offer an assessment of your child. Please contact us to receive an assessment framework based on your needs.

Request an Assessment
Direct Intervention Services

Shadowing during in-person and distance learning to support clients on school-based goals to help clients get the most out of their learning environments.

ABA is a scientifically-based process that involves applying the principles of behavior to develop interventions that help individuals learn new skills and decrease challenging behavior.
Direct observations of target behaviors involve observing a client for a period of time in several different environments and recording detailed information on what happens before, during, and after the target behavior(s).
Social skills can be taught using Skills Streaming or BST models of learning. These methods involve first providing clear instructions, then modeling the behavior, role-playing the situation, and then generalizing the skill to naturally occurring opportunities.

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Mailing address: 2080 N. Tustin Ave Santa Ana, CA 92705




